Wednesday, 12 August 2015

My top 5 video games of all time

Not so long ago I blogged on what my top 10 favourite movies were, so it was only a matter of time before I wrote my favourite video games list.

It was originally going to be a top 10 list, but I felt that it would be a bit long and too easy to choose from. So I narrowed it down to 5, 5 games which I could always love. Games that I loved when I first played them, and games that I could still play and love them now. These games might not be the best made games ever, but they are my favourite, and they are in my opinion, timeless.

The first 2 were easy to pick, the others I had to think about a little more.


Sonic the Hedgehog 2: (Mega Drive)

The first game I ever fell in love with, and playing it now is just as good as it was then. I have fond memories of waking up every morning before school and completing this game.

With a beautiful soundtrack and illustrious level designs, It does everything the original does, and then improves on it, while adding on top of it. As every sequel should.

Still the best ever Sonic game.


Resident Evil 2: (Playstation)

I thought the original Resident Evil was okay, unique but nothing special. But it was the sequel which blew me away, and I've loved the series ever since. The first time I played the game was the demo version which came as a bonus with Resident Evil Directors cut. The demo ended with a cliff hanger, so I knew that I wanted it as soon as it was released.

While it isn't as scary as the first (remake included), and there is more emphasis on action, like my previous entry, it does everything that a good sequel should do. Adding on top of what already came before, but with more confidence.

The length of the game is breathtaking, with two playable characters, with two different scenarios each, you're technically getting four different versions of the same story.


Shenmue: (Dreamcast)

Unlike the others on the list I haven't played Shenmue in years, so I'm not sure if it would still hold true to my heart as it did when I first played it. On reflection it was a bit ponderous, and much of it trivial. But it had a lot of heart, and for its time it was very unique, the environments weren't just backgrounds, they were living characters within the game. It's still one of the few open world games that I have ever really liked.

The soundtrack is beautiful, with each location and character having their own theme, the fighting system does the job, the voice acting was good for the time. And the Quick Time Events (QTE) were unique for their time, I hadn't really seen anything like it before.


Final Fantasy 8: (Playstation)

In truth, I'm not a huge Final Fantasy fan, I played 7 which I liked, but I feel it's a little overrated, 9 I played and didn't care for, I skipped the next two until 12, which I actually really liked. I briefly played 13 (which was just average), and I don't think I'll bother with 15.

I loved the story of 8, I loved the fact that the graphics and world were more realistic looking compared with 7, the combat system was simpler (if a little longer), the characters were far more interesting than those in 7.

But the thing I loved most was the story being set around University type locations, Balamb garden is a wonderful place for a main hub. Unlike 7, the characters in 8 feel like they have more of a stake in the world they're in.


Tomb Raider (2013): (PS3 & XBOX ONE)

Before the reboot I was only a fleeting fan of Tomb Raider, I only began to play the series from Legend onwards. I had the trilogy collection with Legend, Anniversary and Underworld. All of the games in the collection are good, but none of them I would consider great and playable for more than 2 or 3 playthroughs.

But the reboot I loved, I completed it several several times on the PS3 and once again, more recently with the definitive version on the XBOX One. For me this video game defines fun. The action is exhilarating, the locations, the voice acting, and the production values are generally superb.

As someone who loved and misses 3D platformers, the rebooted Tomb Raider reminded me of what a great platform game ought to be, but with a blend of the adventure/action genre mixed in.

I adore this game, there's so much replay value as well.

Honourable mentions:

Any Mario Kart game- still the best multiplayer games of all time, so much fun
Zelda: Ocarina of Time- A masterpiece, I never completed it, and I haven't played it in years.
Resident Evil 4- Would have been in my list but I didn't want to include 2 games in the same series. Probably the best replay value in a game ever.
GoldenEye- Loved this when it first came out, the multiplayer is so good. But I haven't played it for over 15 years, and I have a feeling it wouldn't hold up well today.
Tekken 4: My favourite fighting game of all time, but I hardly ever play them any more 
Streets of Rage 2: Best 2D scrolling beat em up I've ever played, still holds up well

I'm sure there are many others which could be included on this list. And I'll probably add them at some point.

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